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Milestone 4 - Installation

Your Project Has Moved To Installation!

Scroll down to learn everything you need to know about this milestone of your project!
Get all your FAQ answered and understand any action items we may need your help with!
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Where You Are At In Your Project

Now that all necessary permits have been acquired and your application for a net metering agreement has been submitted to your utility, we can move forward with installing your system.  We will schedule a day and time that works for you for our crew to come and build your solar array.  



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What You Need To Know About This Stage

When we schedule your appointment our crew will arrive and if you are able, will do a walkthrough of your project to remind you of the design of your system.  They should also have an estimate of how long it will take.  You can watch as our team attach

Permits & Net Metering Agreement

Your Action Items

You may need to be home for parts of the installation

Our crew would love the opportunity to speak to you and communicate if or when they may need access to your attic.

Pick the best spot for a picture

We love collecting awesome people in front of their awesome solar systems! You know the best spot to take a picture at your house than we do, we want to hear your ideas!

We Partner With

Why Skyline

Just in case you didn't know this awesome stuff about us!


On Time

On Time

Your system will be installed in 120 days*!
As part of our On Time On Budget guarantee, we will take care of your monthly solar payments if your system isn't operational within 120 days from when it was site surveyed.

*150 Days for MidAmerican, Alliant and Holy Cross Customers.


On Budget

On Budget

Never pay more than what you signed up for.
On Time On Budget guarantee covers your back against any costs we incur that were NOT included in the contract. In other words, we won't come back to you later in the project and ask for more money. This happens on 1 out of every 8 projects and is a value of $1,500 on average to you!

Give Power

Give Power

Clean drinking water for 20 years!
When your install is completed, a donation will be made to
Give Power foundation so that one individual will receive enough clean drinking water for 20 years!

One Stop Shop

One Stop Shop

Everything done all in house, no cut corners.
Financing, Survey, Design, Electrical, Project Management, Monitoring. All your solar needs under one roof with w2 employees and local installers.
Installation Icon



At the scheduled date and time, a Skyline Solar crew will put the solar panels on the property along with all other equipment for the system.

Inspection Icon



The new solar system is inspected to ensure it is compliant with all local codes and regulations.  Any corrections required will be promptly addressed.

Net Metering Icon

Net Metering

Net Metering

The local power utility will go through their procedures for the net metering agreement including possibly replacing the electric meter.

System On Icon

System On

System On

With all processes complete, the system is ready to be turned on when it will immediately begin producing clean solar power!


Stages Completed

Stages Completed

Check Out the stages you've already completed!
Site Survey Icon

SITE Survey

SITE Survey

A Solar Technician comes to the home to take measurements of relevant areas of the home and take pictures for the final design of the system.

Design Icon

Final Design

Final Design

A Designer will create a design of the solar array using a CAD program.  The design is approved by an engineer.
NMA & Permitting Icon

Permits & Net Metering Agreement

Permits & Net Metering Agreement

The Skyline Solar Team will apply for all necessary building permits for the city or county. They will also apply for a net metering agreement with the local power utility.

Most Asked Questions During This Stage.

How long will my project take?

Great Question!  We guarantee that your system will be operational within 120 days following your site survey, 150 days for MidAmerican, Alliant and Holy Cross customers.  If we are not able to make our deadline, we will take care of your monthly solar payments for you!


How long until this stage is complete?

This stage can take anywhere from a few days to about 10 weeks. 

The scheduled day is forecasted to have bad weather, will the installation still happen?

The safety of our crew outweighs just about everything.  We'll try to keep our scheduled day but if we encounter snow, rain, thunderstorms or high winds or other inclement weather we may have to reschedule for the safety of our crew.  We will try to reschedule as soon as possible.

What if I can't be home when the installation crew needs access to my attic?

That's not a problem.  We just need your expressed permission to enter the home only to perform your installation as long as someone under 18 is not in the home.  

Once my system is installed, can it start generating electricity?

Awesome question!  Technically your system COULD generate its own electricity once its complete.  However, we are not permitted to turn the system on until the system has been inspected and the power utility gives your system permission to operate.  Don't worry, you're still covered by our On Time, On Budget Guarantee!   

How can I submit a referral?

We always aim to please and always roll out the red carpet for those referred to us.  You can quickly and easily submit a referral HERE.  We can't wait to serve your friends and neighbors!

Fill out the form below and create a ticket.