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Solar Panel Installation Cost : Get Paid To Go Solar

Homeowners are getting paid $9,100 in tax credits on average to make the switch

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Solar Panel Financing In Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah

Skyline Solar is a Solar Power Installation Company Offering Residential Solar Panel Financing in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah.

Save Money With Solar Panels

The friendly team at Skyline Solar would be delighted to explain all about the benefits of solar panel installation and the different financing options available.

These include how much residential solar panel installation cost, solar panel financing—based on a solar panel cost per square foot, leasing solar panels, how solar panels can increase home values, how to calculate savings from solar panels, and more.

Solar Power Tax Incentives in Your Area

If you’d like to know more about the tax incentives in your area, contact our friendly team and they will be happy to explain everything and tell you how much money you could save. Click the link below to speak with us today.

Why You Should Consider Investing in Solar Panels

In the last decade, solar panels have become increasingly popular. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar panel installation has grown at a rate of 42% on an annual basis in the United States.

Solar panels are beneficial for a variety of reasons. Let’s look at a few of the most compelling ones.

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How Can Solar Panels Save You Money?

For starters, solar power protects you against rising fuel prices and electricity costs.Solar panels can also increase the value of your home and any surplus energy generated can be sold or stored.

You’ll need to speak to a solar power specialist from our team to find out exactly how much you could save, but let’s look at a typical example first just to give you some idea.

Average Potential Savings

When we look at the average savings gained from solar power, we're referring to the money you would otherwise have spent on energy bills.

How to Calculate Savings from Solar Panels

The average electricity usage for a householder in the United States is 10,694-kilowatt hours (kWh) per annum or around 877 kWh per month. 

If you multiply that by the US average electricity cost of $0.13 per kWh, you get an electricity bill of around $1,400 per annum per household.

If enough solar panels were installed to cover this amount of electricity, the average US household would reduce its costs by just under $1,400 per year.

So, if you install a solar energy system that includes the amount of electricity your home uses, as well as a solar battery that can store any excess energy, you won’t have to pay any electricity costs for the life of the system.

Now, let’s look at some specific locations to get an idea of the residential solar panel costs and savings associated with installing solar panels in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah.

Learn About the Solar Savings in the States We Service

With recent developments in solar technology, costs are decreasing. According to the SEIA, the cost of solar panels has dropped 43% in the last five years.
By producing your own free energy, you will need to purchase less from your energy provider, saving you money. The more energy you can generate on your own, the less you'll have to worry about rising energy costs.

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Installing Solar Panels in Colorado

Colorado is known for its scenic natural beauty and environmentally conscious population, so it is not surprising that it is a top solar power state. Colorado has invested over $4 billion in solar projects, with solar panels providing nearly 4% of the state's electricity. Find Out More About Solar Savings in Colorado

Tax Credits and Incentives

Installing solar panels in Colorado is a great investment. There are several Colorado solar incentives (including rebates and tax credits) to help you cover the costs.

These programs reduce the upfront outlay of installing solar panels, making them more accessible to a growing number of residents.

US Solar Tax Credit

The main incentive is the federal tax credit available to all homeowners in the US. To qualify, you must buy and install solar panels on your primary or secondary residence.

The Solar Tax Credit is 26% in 2021 and 2022, and it will be 22% in 2023. Investing in solar panels now may be the most cost-effective way to ensure that you receive the credit before it runs out in 2024.

There are also specific Colorado solar incentives. These include no sales tax on your solar power system and no increase in property taxes if your home's value rises due to your solar energy investment.

Some areas of Colorado also offer cash rebates for solar installations. Please get in touch with our team for details.

Net Metering in Colorado

A net metering program in Colorado allows homeowners to sell any excess solar power back to the grid. This is a great benefit to help you reduce your overall energy costs.

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Installing Solar Panels in Wyoming

In Wyoming, environmental protection is a top priority. So, it's no surprise that the Cowboy State leads the nation in solar energy capacity. While Wyoming residents have had access to solar energy for nearly two decades, the state continues to encourage greener living with a robust net metering program and significant tax breaks. Learn More About Solar Savings in Wyoming

Solar Incentives in Wyoming

Wyoming solar tax breaks mean you won't have to pay anything to the government for your new solar panels. With the Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment, there is no sales tax on the purchase of your solar energy system.

In addition, the Residential Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption means you won’t have to pay additional taxes on the increased value of your home.

Wyoming Solar Farms

You can still benefit from solar power if you rent, don't own a property, or don't have a solar-ready roof. Wyoming was an early proponent of community solar, which allows residents to subscribe to an off-site solar array, effectively allowing them to go solar without having to install solar panels on their roofs.

Wyoming Net Metering

Wyoming has a net metering policy that credits you for any excess electricity generated and allows you to use those credits when your system is low.

With Investment Tax Credit, you can save 26% on your PV solar energy system. Remember that ITC only applies to those who buy their PV solar panel system outright, either with cash or a special solar finance loan, and that you must earn enough to qualify.

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Installing Solar Panels in Utah

Solar panel installation costs have dropped significantly because of improvements in solar technology and steadily increasing demand. It's now nearly 50% cheaper to install solar panels than it was eight years ago. With over 200 days of sunshine per year, homeowners in Utah can make the most of solar energy and enjoy the consequent savings. Learn About Solar Savings in Utah

Solar Power Initiatives in Utah

Utah is at the forefront of solar power initiatives and ranks 9th in the US for solar energy production. This includes large installations like the Utah Red Hills Renewable Energy Park, which can generate up to 104 megawatts of electricity. That installation alone powers over 20,000 homes.

Solar Tax Credit and Utah Solar Incentives

As with the other states, the federal tax credit for solar power is the most significant incentive (ITC). In 2021 and 2022, the Solar Tax Credit is 26% and that will drop to 22% in 2023, so it clearly makes sense to invest sooner rather than later.

As well as the ITC, Utah’s solar incentive program offers a maximum credit of $1,200 for installations completed in 2021, $800 for installations completed in 2022, and $400 for systems installed in 2023.

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Installing Solar Panels in Iowa

Solar incentives in Iowa are getting a lot of attention because they are thought to be some of the best in the United States. If you have solar in Iowa, you'll get paid for any extra energy you produce thanks to net metering. You'll also be rewarded for creating clean energy and you won't have to pay any taxes on your new system.

Iowa continues to promote green living through a robust net metering program and significant tax breaks. There’s no sales tax to pay when a renewable energy company installs your solar panels, and the Residential Renewable Energy Equipment Property Tax Exemption exempts you from paying any additional taxes on the increased value of your home. Learn About Solar Savings in Iowa

Off-Site Solar Arrays

Residents of Iowa can subscribe to an off-site solar array, which allows them to reap the benefits of solar without having to install solar panels.

Net Metering in Iowa

Like Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, Iowa credits you for any excess electricity your system generates, and you can then use those credits when your system is low.

Solar Tax Credit

You can save 26% on your photovoltaic solar energy system by taking advantage of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). To be eligible, you must pay for your solar panel installation in full with cash or a solar loan.


Things to Consider Before Solar Panel Installation

The Number of Solar Panels Required

The amount of solar panels required for your home is influenced by a variety of factors.

How Much Power Do You Consume Daily?

When deciding on the number of solar panels you'll need, it's important to consider the amount of energy your household normally uses. This can be worked out by studying past utility bills and calculating the amount of electricity your home consumes on an hourly and daily basis.

The more solar panels you have installed on your roof, the more power you will be able to generate for your home.

If you need help to make the calculations, please contact us and we’ll be happy to do it for you.

Does Your House Get Enough Sunlight?

It is possible to see how much sunlight your home receives during peak times thanks to Google's Project Sunroof, which was launched in 2012.

Divide your home's hourly electricity consumption by 1,000 to determine how many watts per hour your household will need to produce using solar panels.

The average home consumes approximately 1,250 watts per hour.

What Are Your Energy-Related Objectives?

You'll also need to consider your home's energy goals when determining the number of solar panels you'll need. If you want to use solar energy to completely cover your home's energy needs, you'll need more solar cells as well as battery storage to store the excess power.

Installing a smaller system is an option if you only want to cover a portion of your household's energy consumption.

Solar Panel Quality

The type of solar panels you choose will have an impact on the quantity you need. This is because the amount of energy produced by a solar panel is influenced by the quality of the panel, the materials used, and the proprietary brand elements of the panel.

Solar Panels and the Quantity of Energy They Are Capable of Generating

Knowing how efficient your solar panels are will allow you to make an educated guess about how much energy they will generate. This is the maximum amount of energy that your solar panels can convert from sunlight to electricity.

Solar panels with conversion efficiencies ranging from 14% to 20% account for the largest portion of the solar power market in the US. For every percentage point increase, the amount of energy that your solar panels are likely to generate increases by a corresponding amount.

The Efficiency of Solar Power Energy Systems

When it comes to solar panels, it’s their efficiency that determines how many panels you'll need to install. Our team can tell you all about the different brands and calculate how many would be required.

Contact Our Trusted Team for a
Free Solar Energy Quote Today!

Our professional technicians have installed money-saving solar panel energy
systems throughout the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Iowa.
Contact us today to get your free solar energy estimate.

Skyline Solar

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